
Oldschool Runescape Info on: "Mahogany Trees" via Facebook, Twitter, Piss_Gaming

 This is a collection of resources posted to have all information relevant to: Oldschool Runescape activity/training method of using "Mahogany Trees to Level 99 Woodcutting"  in one place.  — From Social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, linked in this post for complete coverage of the method from its mechanics to the rates (experience/gp, hour/day, 1-99) one could achieve by chopping Mahogany Trees, and the alternatives such as (Tick Manipulation OSRS) Teaks, Redwoods .  This has been designed to provide to the reader more info on the Mahogany trees OSRS Method of training Woodcutting to level 99 than the Wiki or /r/2007scape SubReddit might be able to offer. Now linked in sections: Twitter: @atPiss_Gaming Status No. #401847715722563600 & 1401847327384604677 This is a Twitter thread for Mahogany Trees OSRS and the related Piss_Gaming article written up for this training method for Oldschool Runescape. It was posted by @atPissGaming on Twit...

Theoatrix: YouTube, Twitter, Twitch | Informative OSRS Videos.

A playlist of the best videos (so far) uploaded to the YouTube channel of Theoatrix, from YouTube: Description:  Piss_Gaming curated list of Theoatrix informational video games-related videos and other content - You can reach Theo on Twitter at @Theoatrix

OSRS — MTA: Mage Training Area | Bones to Peaches (B2P) Place | PissGaming

 This is what I've decided to do whilst working on an Adobe Portfolio (a free trial! myportfolio) landing site , a powerful and expensive software, for one of the Piss_Gaming articles - to make the MTA more efficient and safe for me:  Re-sort my inventory of runes while prepping for MTA Stock up for Mage Training Area (runes) Holding currency in current day OSRS market — So while I'm writing up a landing page for the article/topic ,  (MTA) will be AFK'd for passive magic experience, and honestly, a fun and relaxing minigame activity.   This is a topic being revisited internally that I've looked to cover on Piss_Gaming before, in: - 1 "laundering money" - 2 "tax Evasion, but in Oldschool Runescape (where it's legal and so OK to play with!)" - 3 "MTA Runes/Currencies Smuggling" . Some of these related content and their child contents are dated back up to five years ago - be their writing, planning, or having the content collected; the...

How The Graceful Set Helps OSRS Smithing Training

The Varrock anvil is the known hotspot for training smithing at an anvil, due to how close it is to a bank for the least amount of experience gain-downtime, and, less energy used as less squares are ran from bank to anvil with an inventory full of heavy metal bars draining energy quicker. If you’ve read past articles, and you know about Runite Bars drops from the Rune Dragon Alt drop table, you might know where this is going– especially after reading – And you’re probably in the right mindset of optimizing the money making method, too. Let’s proceed into the article to highlight how the Graceful set helps train Smithing in Oldschool Runescape, now the importance of conserving run energy has been mentioned. – Graceful set suggestion, to combine the skilling outfit sets for a cool new (old) look Running back and forth, to and from th...

How To: Get Cheaper/More Items for High Alchemy on OSRS

To gain more profit from High Alchemy on Oldschool Runescape, you must look at factor within the equation can be changed to rethink the calculations of profit in High Alch calculators such as alchmate – which does not take into account a lower price for items, rather the current G.E price; but with the methods detailed in this article you can gain the advantage and make pure profit from magic training via high alch. This is done via the methods detailed in – within the “ high alching Rune Dragon Runite item Drops” section To expand on this throughout the article, I hope to talk about the benefits of using the RDA drop table for your future grinds in training magic. You can also use bracelets to profit that isn’t pure or “100%” gain, but very consentient. It’s a niche method which will always have an honest margin related to the always low-cost revenant bracelets . It’s quite likely to be a value brand way to train...

Mahogany Logs OSRS & Cutting Planks, Mahogany Trees

 For this type of woodcutting training, via the Ape Atoll Area after the Monkey Madness quests have been completed for higher-tiered teleports becoming unlocked— which take you closer to the Woodcutting area for less banking time between trips to and from the OSRS Mahogany Trees area, which increases the amount of logs you cut in the Mahogany Oldschool Runescape tier (60)— your question for the best place to cut Mahogany Trees on OSRS is answered, but can be expanded on further throughout this post.  Where is the best place to cut Mahogany Trees on OSRS To expand upon this topic and provide alternates, with reputable sources taken from the vast amount of information there is on the OldschoolRunescape.Wiki now linked as where we attained this information on Training Woodcutting, Firemaking, and Construction, at: These logs can be cut into Mahogany Planks for construction experience using the Plank Make spell, a ...

OSRS: Loot From Killing Rune Dragons (ALT ACCOUNT)

 A follow up on the previous post, Part II of Rune Dragon Alt Supplies Used - Blogger post on this Blogger site. Yes, an instant second post, but, this is a follow-up for people interested in knowing how much money is made from this account it's important to separate the two for clarity. For those who are interested in the Supplies and investment, click the link above to see our first post on this RDA subject.  This experiment has already been done for the purpose of covering this method in OSRS, and has been documented alongside Twitter & Reddit, links to the authors of the other/supporting pages as they're used. Now, to cover the results of running a Rune Dragon Alt for 10k kills. If you'd prefer this in YouTube format, a video may be embedded below created by us, for you to enjoy without having to read as much.  Loot From: OSRS Rune Dragon Alt (RDA), 10/20/30k If you're the type to prefer reading, feel free to continue doing so on this page. We're about to c...