Oldschool Runescape Info on: "Mahogany Trees" via Facebook, Twitter, Piss_Gaming
This is a collection of resources posted to have all information relevant to: Oldschool Runescape activity/training method of using "Mahogany Trees to Level 99 Woodcutting" in one place. — From Social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, linked in this post for complete coverage of the method from its mechanics to the rates (experience/gp, hour/day, 1-99) one could achieve by chopping Mahogany Trees, and the alternatives such as (Tick Manipulation OSRS) Teaks, Redwoods . This has been designed to provide to the reader more info on the Mahogany trees OSRS Method of training Woodcutting to level 99 than the Wiki or /r/2007scape SubReddit might be able to offer. Now linked in sections: Twitter: @atPiss_Gaming Status No. #401847715722563600 & 1401847327384604677 This is a Twitter thread for Mahogany Trees OSRS and the related Piss_Gaming article written up for this training method for Oldschool Runescape. It was posted by @atPissGaming on Twit...