
Showing posts from April, 2021

How To: Get Cheaper/More Items for High Alchemy on OSRS

To gain more profit from High Alchemy on Oldschool Runescape, you must look at factor within the equation can be changed to rethink the calculations of profit in High Alch calculators such as alchmate – which does not take into account a lower price for items, rather the current G.E price; but with the methods detailed in this article you can gain the advantage and make pure profit from magic training via high alch. This is done via the methods detailed in – within the “ high alching Rune Dragon Runite item Drops” section To expand on this throughout the article, I hope to talk about the benefits of using the RDA drop table for your future grinds in training magic. You can also use bracelets to profit that isn’t pure or “100%” gain, but very consentient. It’s a niche method which will always have an honest margin related to the always low-cost revenant bracelets . It’s quite likely to be a value brand way to train...

Mahogany Logs OSRS & Cutting Planks, Mahogany Trees

 For this type of woodcutting training, via the Ape Atoll Area after the Monkey Madness quests have been completed for higher-tiered teleports becoming unlocked— which take you closer to the Woodcutting area for less banking time between trips to and from the OSRS Mahogany Trees area, which increases the amount of logs you cut in the Mahogany Oldschool Runescape tier (60)— your question for the best place to cut Mahogany Trees on OSRS is answered, but can be expanded on further throughout this post.  Where is the best place to cut Mahogany Trees on OSRS To expand upon this topic and provide alternates, with reputable sources taken from the vast amount of information there is on the OldschoolRunescape.Wiki now linked as where we attained this information on Training Woodcutting, Firemaking, and Construction, at: These logs can be cut into Mahogany Planks for construction experience using the Plank Make spell, a ...

OSRS: Loot From Killing Rune Dragons (ALT ACCOUNT)

 A follow up on the previous post, Part II of Rune Dragon Alt Supplies Used - Blogger post on this Blogger site. Yes, an instant second post, but, this is a follow-up for people interested in knowing how much money is made from this account it's important to separate the two for clarity. For those who are interested in the Supplies and investment, click the link above to see our first post on this RDA subject.  This experiment has already been done for the purpose of covering this method in OSRS, and has been documented alongside Twitter & Reddit, links to the authors of the other/supporting pages as they're used. Now, to cover the results of running a Rune Dragon Alt for 10k kills. If you'd prefer this in YouTube format, a video may be embedded below created by us, for you to enjoy without having to read as much.  Loot From: OSRS Rune Dragon Alt (RDA), 10/20/30k If you're the type to prefer reading, feel free to continue doing so on this page. We're about to c...

Supplies used and Tab for RDA - Oldsdchool Runescape

From the Rune Dragon Alt venture on Oldschool Runescape, featured on PG, the current progress will be monitored here for readers to see for those who're still debating on whether to invest the time into this type of account can see more before they make their choice.  This is following the RDA guide written on PissGaming, using the Supplies mentioned in the article here at PissGaming: OSRS Rune Dragon Alt Optimization, Supplies .  So without much further ado, let's get into the progression of the account and its supplies used and bank tab to monitor progress.  Loot From: OSRS Rune Dragons, Twitter/Reddit/Imgur Sourced from 10k RDA kills times over for an overall idea of how much will be gained from this account for the money maker to reclaim its spot as the best, to settle any idea that it shouldn't be done for you and hopefully inspire the reader to tackle this challenge to reap the rewards. First, let's track the starting point on the alt from bank tab screenshots tak...