Supplies used and Tab for RDA - Oldsdchool Runescape

From the Rune Dragon Alt venture on Oldschool Runescape, featured on PG, the current progress will be monitored here for readers to see for those who're still debating on whether to invest the time into this type of account can see more before they make their choice. 

This is following the RDA guide written on PissGaming, using the Supplies mentioned in the article here at PissGaming: OSRS Rune Dragon Alt Optimization, Supplies

So without much further ado, let's get into the progression of the account and its supplies used and bank tab to monitor progress. 

Loot From: OSRS Rune Dragons, Twitter/Reddit/Imgur

Sourced from 10k RDA kills times over for an overall idea of how much will be gained from this account for the money maker to reclaim its spot as the best, to settle any idea that it shouldn't be done for you and hopefully inspire the reader to tackle this challenge to reap the rewards. First, let's track the starting point on the alt from bank tab screenshots taken. This will be a guide on how much investment is needed for the supplies taken to kill the dragons in the first place. Images: 

Sources used to credit authors here: 
With this bank tab setup, the kills were slower and it was less optimal, but using the guide it was just the way of reaching the BIS (best in slot) method via a money-making method for 0time loss on GP generation from a main account. 10k Rune Dragons were killed, and it goes on to 2, 3 times this number with it all being tracked for this article and for informational purposes to other Oldschool Runescape players. 

Dragon Shield (Left-Half, DSII Quest Item) 

Note in the bank tab, the Dragon Shield. There is also a left half but at the higher tiers of this money maker it stops being relevant; the shield was used however, over a defender (such as Averic or Dragon), for greater defence bonus for the reasons already listed in the website. The purpose of an alt account is to pay little attention to it, and have as little risk as possible. If you're clicking too much on the account for some strength bonus, it takes time away from the main account and it starts being detrimental to the player. In other words, it's pointless to do it the other way. 

But due to doing everything properly for the account, I am happy with the results of the RDA and will continue to run it for 0time GP. The method really is the best money making method on OSRS, and I would greatly recommend it to anyone who's curious about doing the same as what was listed  here. 

The RDA method is vouched for even by the very best player in the game who's still playing, rank #2 player on the leader-boards "Hey Jase". I'm sure that, if Lynx Titan was still playing, he would run an account like this, but he has unfortunately quit after achieving the top rank in the game. Jase has a Twitter account over at @Hey_Jase, which is informative for everyone under rank 1, so about 99.9% of all players. It's a very good, definite read through his feed for anyone curious about getting better at the game. 

Closing Thoughts on The Supplies Used For This Bank Tab 

That about wraps up this article. There's no more information to cover on this subject, and we appreciate you making it this far in to finally reach the end of our piece! If you have comments, feedback, suggestions, leave a comment below; anyone can do it. We massively appreciate comments, shares, and the other things our great readers like to do. Without you, we simply aren't a website! 


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