How To: Get Cheaper/More Items for High Alchemy on OSRS

To gain more profit from High Alchemy on Oldschool Runescape, you must look at factor within the equation can be changed to rethink the calculations of profit in High Alch calculators such as alchmate – which does not take into account a lower price for items, rather the current G.E price; but with the methods detailed in this article you can gain the advantage and make pure profit from magic training via high alch. This is done via the methods detailed in – within the “high alching Rune Dragon Runite item Drops” section

To expand on this throughout the article, I hope to talk about the benefits of using the RDA drop table for your future grinds in training magic. You can also use bracelets to profit that isn’t pure or “100%” gain, but very consentient.
It’s a niche method which will always have an honest margin related to the always low-cost revenant bracelets. It’s quite likely to be a value brand way to train magic, but less so than before as content creators have covered the method which cause it to gain popularity. However, HelpfulnesOSRS using a Rune Dragon alt to source Runite drops is likely to be better, but the bracelets method will be covered as a tried-and-tested Oldschool Runescape community verified option. This may recover considering the competition has eliminated tons of individuals who otherwise may roll in the hay trying to make money with this method. Ultimately, there always has got to be a profit here as the worth of the related items would need to return up thanks to natural in game causes or changes (unlikely to happen unless changed). Most importantly, the players always getting these items to sell on the G.E will keep the price stable, for the method to be viable with demand for the item being present from others following this method. Hopefully you discover this handily though, as High Alchemy requires just 55 Magic and technically, additional cash may be more helpful to the player. In such, avoiding this other competition by simply not using this method is recommended, and it won’t be covered further here.

1.1m per hour money making method with High Alchemy

So, by using Rune Dragon Alt resources, already a 1.3m+ gp/hr method, to transfer alchables onto a main account for casting High Alchemy, as the items you’re using are essentially free, more profit is gained– even more so than those from alchmate or other websites/YouTube tutorials.

And this concludes the article on getting more cheaper/free items to cast High Alchemy for Profit on Oldschool Runescape. This ties in well with, and uses inspiration from, the article here on HelpfulnesOSRS for using RDA drops for more, Smithing and Alchemy which has been linked for extra reading if you’d like to find out more.

from HelpfulneOSRS
via Piss Gaming OSRS Articles for Oldschool Runescape Readers


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